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Jericho Showground

There is catering and bar facilities with a cold room, toilets and showers. Camping is permitted at the Showground. For more information contact the Barcaldine Regional Council Jericho Post Office and Library.

Showgrounds Road (via Capricorn Highway), Jericho QLD 4728

07 4651 4129

Langston Park

The park has playground equipment, a pergola with seating and a barbeque area.

Corner Pasteur and Faraday Streets, Jericho QLD 4728

Multi-Purpose Sports Complex

For more information contact the Barcaldine Regional Council Jericho Post Office and Library.

Tyndall Street, Jericho QLD 4725

07 4651 4129

Railway Park

The park features the famous Crystal Trumpeters sculpture which a local artist designed in memory of the biblical story of the Walls of Jericho. The park also has on display vintage machinery and some local artwork.

Darwin Street, Jericho QLD 4728

Apex Park

There is a playground, tables and chairs with shade and toilets.

Oak Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

Barcaldine Showground

The Barcaldine Showground contains the J.D. Bennett Sporting Complex (bar, kitchen and dining room), Crawchie Pot (dining room, small cement stage, toilets and bar) and Race Kitchen. For more information contact the Barcaldine Regional Council Administraiton Office.

07 4651 5600

Rob Chandler Park

There is a playground for the children, a skate park, tables and chairs with shade which make a great place to pull up and have a rest and something to eat.

Corner Elm and Beech Streets, Barcaldine QLD 4725

Rotary Park

There are tables and chairs with shade. A great spot to pull up and have something to eat or a rest from a long journey.

Oak Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

Barcaldine Rec Park

The Barcaldine Rec Park is a 1.1km long lake built in compliance with International and Australian water skiing standards and designed for a wide range of water sports. It will encourage broad community participation through the provision of wide-ranging activities.

1 Kurrajong Drive, Barcaldine QLD 4725


Bryan Park

Bryan Park offers shaded sitting areas to enjoy a break. The Saltern Creek Bushfire Memorial is also located in the park.

Oak Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

Aramac Memorial Park

The park has a playground, picnic shelter with a sink, toilets at the Aquatic Centre and an electrical box (key available from Barcaldine Regional Council Aramac Administration Office).

Gordon Street, Aramac QLD 4726

Jubilee Park

The park has a kids' playground, picnic shelter with a sink and toilet facilities are available at the Muttaburra Aquatic Centre next door.

Edkins Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

Muttaburra Racecourse Reserve

Straight Road, Muttaburra QLD 4732

Muttaburra Recreation Ground

Devon Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

Alpha Swimming Pool

It is 25m in length and a small portion of the pool is shaded. Other facilities include change rooms, showers, toilets, a shaded seating area and a kiosk.

Dryden Street, Alpha QLD 4724

Monday to Sunday from 3.00pm to 6.00pm

Local information