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Barcaldine Hospital and MPHS
In an emergency call 000. Clinical - Accident and Emergency / 18 Acute Inpatient beds / 6 MPHS Residential Beds / Visiting Professional and Specialists / Community Health Nurse / Dental Services / Commonwealth Home Support Program.
25 Oak Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725
Queensland Ambulance Service
In an emergency call 000.
SES Building, Corner Ash and Maple Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725
Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
In an emergency call 000.
Corner Maple and Ash Streets, Barcaldine QLD 4725
Queensland Police Service
In an emergency call 000.
63 Ash Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725
State Emergency Service
62 Willow Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725
07 4651 2381, 0428 782 466 or Emergency number 132 500
Queensland Ambulance Service
In an emergency call 000.
Cnr Porter and McAuliffe Streets, Aramac QLD 4726
Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
In an emergency call 000.
Corner Burt and Gordon Street, Aramac QLD 4726
State Emergency Service
SES Shed, Porter Street, Aramac QLD 4726
0428 725 017 or Emergency number 132 500
Muttaburra Primary Health Centre
In an emergency call 000. Primary Care, General Emergency Services, Antenatal/Child Health Services, Visiting Health Services.
30 Edkins Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732
Queensland Police Service
In an emergency call 000.
40 Cornish Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732