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Barcaldine Hospital and MPHS

In an emergency call 000. Clinical - Accident and Emergency / 18 Acute Inpatient beds / 6 MPHS Residential Beds / Visiting Professional and Specialists / Community Health Nurse / Dental Services / Commonwealth Home Support Program.

25 Oak Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

07 4650 4000

Administration: Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 5.00pm and A & E: 24 hours

Barcaldine Medical Centre

In an emergency call 000.

36 Ash Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

07 4651 1598

Queensland Ambulance Service

In an emergency call 000.

SES Building, Corner Ash and Maple Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

07 4651 2304

Queensland Fire and Rescue Service

In an emergency call 000.

Corner Maple and Ash Streets, Barcaldine QLD 4725

07 4651 1190

Queensland Police Service

In an emergency call 000.

63 Ash Street, Barcaldine QLD 4725

07 4651 1322

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9.30am to 2.30pm and Friday from 9.30am to 1.00pm. Opening hours can be subject to change.

Aramac Primary Health Centre

In an emergency call 000.

Lodge Street, Aramac QLD 4726

07 4652 9000

Queensland Ambulance Service

In an emergency call 000.

Cnr Porter and McAuliffe Streets, Aramac QLD 4726

07 4651 3349

Queensland Fire and Rescue Service

In an emergency call 000.

Corner Burt and Gordon Street, Aramac QLD 4726

07 4651 3284

Queensland Police Service

In an emergency call 000.

Burt Street, Aramac Qld 4726

07 4651 3120

Muttaburra Primary Health Centre

In an emergency call 000. Primary Care, General Emergency Services, Antenatal/Child Health Services, Visiting Health Services.

30 Edkins Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

07 4658 7500

Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm and closed from 12.00pm to 2.00pm)

Queensland Police Service

In an emergency call 000.

40 Cornish Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

07 4652 5144

Rural Fire Brigade

In an emergency call 000.

39 Cornish Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

0427 587 191

State Emergency Service

In an emergency call 000.

40 Cornish Street, Muttaburra QLD 4732

13 25 00

Local information